Monday, 2 June 2008

Quilting again!

After weeks of indecision, fabric buying and general procrastination, I'm finally back quilting. I've sorted out my most recent ufos and started to work my way through them. I've spent most of today hand quilting a quilt that's intended for my sofa. I do like to snuggle under a quilt while watching tv of an evening. I made this quilt from a charm pack simply put together for speed and then have taken months over the quilting. Not clever!
Hope I'm back on track at last. I have so many quilts to finish. Rediscovered a half log cabin quilt I made at a Lynne Edwards workshop in January which just needs the blocks piecing together. I'd like to get it finished for my LQS exhibition in July. Will have to be big stitch quilted as my machine quilting skills are very basic.
Waiting for a couple of parcels at the moment, some fabric from the US and some plants for my garden. hopefully they will be here soon. I love getting parcels!!
Trying to fix my camera issues, I'd love to post photos but the technology seems to be fighting back at the moment. May have to ask for help from DD when she visits at the weekend.

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