Wednesday 27 February 2008

Quilt weekend

Our guild held an area day on Saturday so I went to catch up with quilters from across South Wales. There were retail opportunities from a couple of LQS's, a bookseller and a quilter who'd 'down-sized' to a smaller property and needed to reduce her stash and help raise funds for the new quilt centre in York which will open in the summer. I managed to find some fabric to finish a half log cabin started at a Lynne Edwards workshop recently and a few brights and darks to pad out my scraps for the workshop with Katharine Guerrier on Sunday.

Sunday's workshop was a lot of fun, we all managed to make a couple of minor blunders but the laughter and yummy cake helped us through. Katharine was a very supportive teacher and encouraged us all the way. Of course it means another WIP to add to the pile. I had intended to be really good this year but I've only added to both my stash and the UFOs in waiting.

This Saturday we have a fabric shop coming to trade at our group meeting so I must be really, really good and NOT BUY ANY FABRIC!!!!! At the rate I'm going my dining room will disappear completely under the baskets of fabric, all waiting for the right project.


sewkalico said...

Hi Sharon, you're set to no-reply on blogger so I thought I'd get hold of you by leaving a comment. Would love to swap!!! No real preferences colourwise as long as it's roses or rose looking :O) Love reds, but anything really
I can send you Shwe-shwe blues. Or da Gama fabrics i.e. small animals etc.. or Makoti wax prits (very big African prints) Fat Eighths or FQ's?? Just let me know what you fancy. Best regards, Karol-Ann

Kate North said...

Hi Sharon - thanks for coming by my blog - and welcome to the world of blogging, yourself. Look forward to seeing what you do on the Spring Fling Round Robin - I think that's going to be a fun project - Margaret has such good ideas...

Gina said...

Hi Sharon

Yes I'm just over the mountain from you. Nice to hear from another Welsh woman

Maybe we can meet up at Busy Bees one day

love and hugs Gina xxx